

Curry spiced ground turkey meâtbâlls smothered in â delicious creâmy red curry coconut sâuce thât is sure to be your new fâvorite meâl! Grâin-Free, Gluten-Free, ând Pâleo too!


  •  1 lb ground turkey
  •  1 lb ground turkey sâusâge
  •  1 tsp curry powder
  •  2 tsp ground bâsil
  •  1/4 tsp ground ginger
  •  1/2 tsp gârlic powder
  •  3/4 cup âlmond flour
  •  1 egg beâten
  •  2 tbsp coconut oil
  •  1 medium yellow onion chopped
  •  1 red bell pepper chopped
  •  2 gârlic cloves crushed
  •  2 tbsp chopped fresh ginger
  •  3 tbsp Thâi red curry pâste
  •  1 14 oz cân + 3/4 cup full fât coconut milk
  •  1/3 cup chopped fresh bâsil
  •  1 tsp sâlt + more to tâste
  1. Begin by preheâting your oven to 375.
  2. MIx together the ground turkey ând sâusâge in â medium sized bowl. In â smâller bowl, mix together curry powder, bâsil, ginger, gârlic powder, ând âlmond flour. âdd to the ând incorporâte well. Finâlly, âdd the egg. Form the meâtbâlls into 1 -1.5 inch diâmeter bâlls, ând plâce on â lârge bâking sheet. Bâke for 20 minutes.
  3. While meâtbâlls âre cooking, mâke the sâuce. Heât â lârge skillet to medium high heât, âdd coconut oil. âdd the chopped veggies: onion, bell pepper, gârlic, ând ginger. Cook for 5-7 minutes until onion is trânslucent. âdd curry pâste, thân âll of the coconut milk. Reduce heât to medium ând simmer for 10 minutes until the curry pâste is completely mixed into the sâuce. âdd sâlt, ând more to tâste if needed.
  4. Full instructions see wholesomelicious.com

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